We have several volunteer opportunities within the church and would love to have you serve along side of us!

a. Removal of shrubs and plant materials located next to foundation of Sunday School Trailer that will be sold.
b. Biweekly cleaning – dusting, vacuuming, moping
c. Winter – snow and ice removal on concrete walkway and driveway for approach to church
d. Sign repairs
e. Minor repairs needed on the exterior of chapel
f. Outreach
g. Community center structure – we need people familiar with community center operations to provide a place for
our community to meet outside of church functions. Our fellowship hall is a perfect place and has been used
for this purpose for years. Some people donate to our cause and some do not. We need to formalize a
process to include membership fees in order to continue operations.
h. Volunteers to organize and teach a children’s and teens Sunday school.
i. Facilities manager – volunteers needed for periodic interior and exterior maintenance and repairs.
j. Fresh faces and fresh ideas needed to bring people to GOD
k. Music ministry

If you feel led to volunteer, we would love to hear from you! Please contact us using the button below or email us at [email protected].