
Pastor Scott & Noni Burke

Hello, my name is Scott Burke, and I am the pastor of the Ellicott Open Door Community Church, located in, you guessed it, Ellicott, Colorado.  If you have time, let me take a minute or two to tell you a little bit about myself.  I was born in Sherman, Texas.  However, I was actually raised in Sanford, North Carolina.  From the time I was two years old, till I graduated high school, Sanford was my home.  Shortly after graduation I joined the U.S. Air force, and 24 years later I retired from the Air Force.  During my tenure in the Air Force, I married my beautiful wife of 33 years, Noni, and we had two boys, Dakota and Dylan.  I was stationed at Charleston, South Carolina, where I married Noni and our two boys were born.  From there we all moved to Ramstein, Germany and spent 7 years there.  We came back to the states for a few years, where we were stationed at Peterson Air Force Base, and I finished out my Air Force career at Rota, Spain.  My job in the Air Force pretty much revolved around aircraft maintenance on cargo aircraft.

After retirement from the Air Force, I got a job with Olson Motor & Control Company, where I am currently the Director of Solar Products.  Yeah, I know, that might sound kind of important, but actually, not anywhere near as important as being the pastor of Ellicott Open Door Community Church.  I have been the pastor at Open Door since April of 2021.  I attended the School of Discipleship and School of Ministry at Rocky Mountain Calvary in Colorado Springs, and was an Associate Paster for a couple of years before coming to Open Door.

I love the fact that the Lord has allowed me to teach the word of God here at Open Door.  I definitely don’t deserve it, and it is only through the grace of my Lord and Savior that I’m even worthy of doing so.  I strive to keep an open heart to allow the Holy Spirit to teach through me.  My wife and I love being here at Open Door, and love the family we have found here with the folks who attend.  My hope is, that if you are still reading this, you might be willing to be part of our family.  You could call… or write… but it would be great if you would drop by and visit, and let the family get to know you better.  If not, just remember one thing, Jesus sacrificed Himself for YOU, and He wants a relationship with, YOU!  If Open Door isn’t for you, that’s okay, but please find a church home where the word of God is taught.  Where you can grow and thrive in doing the work of the Lord, that He has set aside for, YOU!  May the Lord bless you and keep you, and cause His face to shine upon you.