Ellicott Buzzings 8-26-2024

Hello friends and neighbors, The 8th month of 2024 will become history this week and we begin the 9th.  September brings an opportunity for us to celebrate Labor Day.  The US Dept of Labor defines Labor Day as an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers.  The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being. Americans first celebrated Labor Day in 1882, and it became a federal holiday in 1894 – nearly 20 years before the creation of the Labor Department.  President William Howard Taft signed the act creating the U.S. Department of Labor in his final hours as president on March 4, 1913.  

There are some great pictures shown on this website along with more history and trivia/statistics if you wish to further research the reason for this celebration.  

The upcoming anniversary of the 9-11-01 attack on our country that was televised is quite clear in the minds of those who watched in disbelief.  It appeared to be a movie as opposed to reality as we all wondered how this type of destruction could happen in our United States.  These tragic events are felt most by those who lived and worked in these locations and were lucky to have survived.  It saddens me to think of those who lost loved ones and those who served as 1st responders to help those who survived the attacks.  It was a tragic event in our American history that no one wants to experience again and is one we should not ignore!  

Sometimes I do not give full attention to what is on television, catching pieces and parts while being distracted.  Not giving full attention to a recent televised documentary the name of ‘Osama bin Laden’ caught my ear.  Likely everyone recognizes this name as the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks.  It is my understanding by hearing parts of this documentary that bin Laden actually learned about our country from within our boundaries, actually within the military and even the CIA.  This information is extremely troubling to me and should be to every US citizen.  Allowing thousands of immigrants to cross our borders only causes more concern about people like bin Laden to live inside our country’s borders in an effort to destroy us as opposed to living in harmony.  Please consider these concerns to be a number one priority as you prepare to vote in the upcoming Presidential election.  Know who you are voting for, their strength, their cause and whether you would trust your choice of candidates to guard and protect you and your family.

Moving on to more pleasantries –  The Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC) in partnership with The Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee (EAEPCC) will host a meeting on Monday 9/16/24 at 2:30 p.m. with Cynthia Margiotta speaker on behalf of the PEARLS program.  PEARLS stands for Program to Encourage Active Rewarding Lives for Seniors.  Cynthia, director and lead coach, will be introducing their program and explaining how they can help build the resilience and quality of life of older adults in our community.  Come listen to this energetic, lovable and inspiring woman as she shares how PEARLS can help you or a loved one in their Senior years.

Do you or your loved ones have any questions about your electronic devices such as internet safety or how to access health information online?  Would you like to learn more about your electronic devices and how they may help you even more?  The Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC) in partnership with The Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee (EAEPCC) will host members of the Independence Center who will provide a ‘Tech Workshop’ beginning the first Monday in October (10/7/24) and each month following from 2-3 p.m. at the EODCC following exercise from 1-2 p.m.  This service is free to our rural El Paso County citizens.  Please feel free to join us with your devices and questions to learn how to better use a variety of electronic devices.

Who can you trust to tell you the truth?  Think about what you are being told, who is telling you something they want you to believe and question them.  Ask questions that you know the answers to and if you do not have answers to the questions you want to ask, do your own research into what you are being told.  We can no longer count on MainStream Media to tell us the truth.  I will be researching this fact to provide more information next week.  In the meantime, have a wonderful and blessed week ahead!


Thank you,     

Marna G. Booker,

Treasurer/Administrator of

The Ellicott Open Door Community Church

Founder of 

The Ellicott Bee Hive, LTD

Founder and Coordinator for the

Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee