Ellicott Buzzings 8-12-2024

Debra English, parishioner of the Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC), gave a slide show presentation Sunday about her recent missionary trip to Uganda.  She and her team, including interpreters, went to an area to minister to natives where some of the cab drivers refused to go as it was too dangerous.  Several people accepted Jesus and were baptised into the Christian faith by these devoted missionaries.  She told of one young man who was one of the leaders in a violent gang that wanted to change his life.  He accepted JESUS as his SAVIOR and was baptised to accept his new life ahead.  He would not allow his picture to be taken for fear of being killed by other gang members.  It was very interesting to see the pictures and hear the stories of violent behaviors within families that were addressed by these team members to bring resolution and peace within the family.  She was able to experience and gave testimony of GOD’s healing power for those with illnesses and physical disabilities.  These things can happen for you too if you believe in JESUS as your SAVIOR!

   You may be missing out on an opportunity to join an exercise class that is offered for free.  The EODCC is the host on behalf of the Independence Center for sitting or standing exercise classes.  Every Monday at 1 p.m. we gather to exercise our bodys, minds and laugh muscles for an hour long session.  The exercises are not so strenuous that they prevent us from making a joke or catching up on what everyone is doing each week.  Come join us to make new friends as you do good things for yourself!

   Following exercise class on Monday, August 19th, the Ellicott Open Door Community Church will co-host with the Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee (EAEPCC) a meeting which will be presented by the El Paso County Health Department.  We will have light refreshments available for your pleasure as you listen to Veronica Mendez and Claudia Lara as they present information on Tobacco Education and Prevention services for those of us in El Paso County.  This includes for pregnant mothers, work in schools and anyone interested in quitting.  Free resources will be available.  We hope you will join us!

   Likely you all are already aware of the upcoming MVEA event on Saturday 8/24/24 but it is worth mentioning to those who may want additional reminders. Mountain View Electric Assn. will be hosting a ‘Rise & Shine” breakfast at their office location at 11140 E. Woodmen Rd. in Falcon.  Gates open at 9 a.m. and will last until 11 a.m. RSVP is encouraged.  They will have high voltage demonstrations, bucket truck rides, information booths and EV rides & drives.  They are focusing on their Wildfire Mitigation Plan to help all of us recognize the dangers we face and how to reduce the risk for our own personal surroundings.  Being proactive prior to an emergency situation is much better than having to be reactive during wildfire emergencies.  Find out more and rsvp at www.mvea.coop/riseand shine.

   Ellicott School students and faculty are back on schedule.  Parents please remember to help your children’s teachers educate them.  Communication is very important on both sides of the fence.  Do not try to communicate with your children in passing, take the time to turn off the phones and the television and have face to face conversations.  Look in your child’s eyes when you ask them if they have homework.  If they say no, ask them why and further integrate them by saying “smile if you are lying to me”.  Ask them “how was your day in school?”   Tell them how your day at work was.  It is okay to share some of the unpleasant things about our adult lives as it educates children to know we all have difficulties in life, with people, being tired, being hungry, not enjoying certain aspects of life in general.  The good thing is……….we will get over those difficulties and will have learned how to deal with them.  GOD did not promise us an easy life but actually challenges us by giving us times we think we may not survive.  

   Have a Blessed week ahead and thank GOD for any rain that has fallen and ask that he bless us with more:>)


Thank you,     

Marna G. Booker,

Treasurer/Administrator of

The Ellicott Open Door Community Church

Founder of 

The Ellicott Bee Hive, LTD

Founder and Coordinator for the

Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee