Ellicott Buzzings 7-29-2024

  Today’s inspirational quote was written by Margaret Mead and is the moto for the Eastern Alliance of El Paso County (EAEPCC).  “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.”  Please remember this statement as you think about the things you wish you could change and.  When you add an inspirational calendar quote “Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your methods” and let GOD take the wheel – you will succeed!

   Great things are happening at the Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC).  We were extremely happy to hear answers to prayers this past Sunday.  One being from a person diagnosed with terminal cancer who reported tests showing no current signs of cancer at this time.  Another praise was a little girl with eyesight problems that is now able to see with a new treatment that is available.  We love welcoming visitors and are hopeful for their return.  Scott Burke’s sermon was from Peter 2:1-3 with the primary focus on false prophets.  There are many creeping around under the direction of Satan himself.  Make certain you have armed yourself with GOD’s word (your sword) to ward off these sneaky snakes in whatever form they present themselves.

   GOD has blessed our church with the award of a grant with funding to be used for an addition to our existing building.  Alicia Cole may be hesitant to accept the fact that GOD sent her to us but I can tell you it is true.  She has many qualities she can be credited with, one being a social worker.   She has a heart for our community and the people who live here.  She worked tirelessly preparing the grant application for our church with a focus on having a meeting place for our community.  I know she did not expect the grant to be awarded this year but it was.  Thank you to Alicia Cole!!!  My explanation – GOD at work!!

   Another blessing is that our church has agreed to host TESSA meetings.  At this time dates and times will be on an as needed basis and will not be disclosed in order to protect those who seek help with abusive relationships. If you know of someone who may be in a toxic relationship, offer your help by giving them contact information to learn more about TESSA online at tessacs.org or they can call them at their main office – 719-633-1462 or in an emergency situation they need to call 719-633-3819.  Brochures are available at the EODCC and a poster at El Bronco.

   As you can tell my main focus is church oriented so you will have to rely on other social media platforms to get information for local happenings.  I do know school starts the first part of August so check with your schools to make certain your children are ready to rock and roll for their education.  If anyone would like information for their community event to be posted in this article please feel free to leave a message for me at 719-683-2336.  I do not live my life connected to a phone but will be happy to return your call.

   Ellicott Open Door Community Church Schedule:

Sundays – 9:30-9:45 a.m. coffee and social time

                 9:45-10:30 a.m. Sunday School (currently adults only)

                 10:30-10:45 a.m. more social time

                 10:45-12:00 Church Service

Mondays – 12:00-1:00 – Social time with or without sack lunch

                  1:00-2:00 p.m. – Exercises (sitting and standing options)

                  2:30-3:30 p.m. – The 3rd Monday of each month. These meetings                                                   are conducted by guest speakers and provide          

                                             valuable information.  Everyone is invited to attend  

Tuesdays – 7:00-8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Wednesdays – 10:00-12:00 – Art and Soul Crafting Group

  As always my wish for you all is that you have a Blessed Week Ahead!


Thank you,     

Marna G. Booker,

Treasurer/Administrator of

The Ellicott Open Door Community Church

Founder of 

The Ellicott Bee Hive, LTD

Founder and Coordinator for the

Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee