Ellicott Buzzings 7-1-2024

Getting political……..never thought I would ever admit it…………but when you feel passionate about something I guess it becomes a political issue!  The presidential debate (?) is debatable in itself.  Crime against seniors could be at issue in this particular situation.  The democratic party is definitely causing some grave concerns about their intent by continuing to pretend that Biden is competent to serve the office of President of the United States.  

   When I initially heard that Donald Trump was running for this office my mind went to his hair style.  Sad but true.  This is shallow thinking since this job requires much more than a great hair style.  It is his signature hair style, not mine.  His arrogance was another thing I thought of and there again, shallow thinking, he thinks too much of himself to ever consider running the country.  Then when it came time to vote the first time he was running for office he was the only choice I could make.  During his 4 year term as president he proved to me that he could manage our United States of America as the business it needed to be.  There are differences between politicians and successful business owners.  When you are a politician you are paid by the government to do what the government wants you to do.  The current administration is bought and paid for by the wealthy who can direct the puppets in the white house.  They live behind rhetoric that says nothing, by promises that never happen, by using the proper filters when they speak so they do not offend anyone unless it is someone that goes against the flow.  Donald Trump goes against their mainstream flow and does not use filters, maybe he should and maybe he should not, at least you do not have to wonder what he thinks.  He is not a puppet and the current government does not like this fact, they do not like the fact that they can not ‘buy him’.

   We receive the Amac Magazine. The front page of the April publication asked the question “Will the 2024 Election Be Rigged?”.  I did not read this article but chose another article titled “Trump’s Secret Sauce”.  Thinking it might be a recipe, likely that is the reason for the title, I was pleasantly surprised that it was not an actual recipe you can make but a brief history of Donald Trump.  The article first asks the question “If you wanted to discover the secret sauce or X factor that makes Donald Trump the irrepressible figure in American culture that  he is, where would you look?”.  The author takes us past the Trump Tower for a short walk down Fifth Avenue, past Rockefeller Center and the Empire State Building, to a stately old church with a steeple that points to the heavens.  This church was founded in 1628 and is the church where Fred Trump, Donald Trump’s father, took his family every Sunday because the preacher was Norman Vincent Peale.  Peale is widely known as the originator of the modern self-help genre, but first and foremost Peale was an authentic Christian voice.  One of his rules is to keep in mind the line from Romans 8:31: “If God is for us, who can be against us?”  Another rule is to memorize the famous verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” from Philippians 4:13. 

   There is more interesting information in this article but these highlights give me a better understanding of Donald Trump and how he has developed into the fearless leader he is today.  He is not perfect, nor is anyone else!

   The congregation at the Ellicott Open Door Community Church were blessed to have Derek Simmons, associate pastor, present the sermon Sunday 6/30/24.  He spoke from the book of Ephesians 6:10-20 “Wearing the Whole Armor of GOD”.  Derek warned us that our world is in turmoil and that we need to realize it.  There are false profits in the world that may sound very knowledgeable and may use bible references just to trip you up into thinking they are good.  Satan is clever and wants to cause as many problems as he can before Jesus comes again.  Please study the word so you can arm yourselves for what is to come.  All christians can have the greatest weapon available which is our sword, The Spirit, the Word of GOD!

   To close I would like to use a quote from Norman Vincent Peale “Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy”. We should all keep this quote close at heart.

   Have a wonderful month of July and enjoy life as we all celebrate the birth of our GREAT NATION – The UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!!   

Ellicott Buzzings

 High and low temperatures are something we can expect but when you have outdoor activities planned they certainly make a difference in how you prepare.  Temperatures changed from one day to the next by 50 degrees.  Bright sweltering sunshine one day with drizzling rain the next.  Our grandson did not think he would be affected and denied needing extra clothing on the baseball field in Peyton.  Fortunately he had other baseball mothers that felt sorry for him and provided a long sleeve undershirt so his skinny arms did not freeze.  Kristen Burnside and Candace King are great sports moms that not only support their own sport going sons but everyone elses!  Thanks to them for sharing and being so involved to make the program a success.  

   Chad Burnside and Josh Krippen are great coaches that will not accept any sissy behavior.  If you have a ball thrown at you, stand there and take it “wear it” is the instruction.  Good thing David and I are not on the team as we sat in the car to watch the game.  This may be considered “sissy” but we considered it senior wisdom.  It does take a team to raise our children and having them in sports is much better than having them indoors having their brains sucked out by gaming devices and television.

   The Home Front Military Network (HFMN) presentation on 6/17/24 at the Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC) by Amy Cutler was very interesting.  If you were unable to be there in person there is an opportunity to learn more about HFMN by going to their website at www.HomeFrontMilitaryNetwork.org, call 719-577-7417 or you can go to the Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee’s website at eaepcc.com where /you can listen to Amy Cutler’s audio presentation from 6/17/24, thanks to Alicia Cole.

   Speaking of Alica Cole is the secretary, IT and the everything person for EAEPCC, online student for the University of Indiana and resident of our Ellicott community.  She is a social worker and has recently become involved with TESSA, an organization that offers confidential support and services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault and their children.  If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse and needs safe shelter or would like to get critical information please contact TESSA’s Safe Line at 719-633-3819.  You can leave a message, if it is safe to do so, with a safe contact number and name.  For additional support and general questions contact TESSA’s main office at 719-633-1462.  Alicia Cole is continually updating information on the EAEPCC website at eaepcc.com or you can reach out to her by email at [email protected].

   Due to July being a busy vacation month for many people the EAEPCC will not be sponsoring any special meetings or presentations during July.  The Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC) will continue to host the Senior Sit and Stand Exercise Classes on Mondays, AA meetings on Tuesdays and Art and Soul gatherings on Wednesdays.  The EODCC doors are always open to people who wish to us on Sundays beginning with coffee and conversation from 9:15-9:45 a.m.;  Sunday School Class directed by Scott Yoder from 9:45-10:45 a.m. and Church Service by Scott Burke, Pastor from 10:45 to 12:00 noon.  You are certain to feel loved and inspired by GOD’s word!