Ellicott Buzzings 8-26-2024

Hello friends and neighbors, The 8th month of 2024 will become history this week and we begin the 9th.  September brings an opportunity for us to celebrate Labor Day.  The US Dept of Labor defines Labor Day as an annual celebration of the social and economic achievements of American workers.  The holiday is rooted in the late nineteenth century, when labor activists pushed for a federal holiday to recognize the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength, prosperity, and well-being. Americans first celebrated Labor Day in 1882, and it became a federal holiday in 1894 – nearly 20 years before the creation of the Labor Department.  President William Howard Taft signed the act creating the U.S. Department of Labor in his final hours as president on March 4, 1913.  

There are some great pictures shown on this website along with more history and trivia/statistics if you wish to further research the reason for this celebration.  

The upcoming anniversary of the 9-11-01 attack on our country that was televised is quite clear in the minds of those who watched in disbelief.  It appeared to be a movie as opposed to reality as we all wondered how this type of destruction could happen in our United States.  These tragic events are felt most by those who lived and worked in these locations and were lucky to have survived.  It saddens me to think of those who lost loved ones and those who served as 1st responders to help those who survived the attacks.  It was a tragic event in our American history that no one wants to experience again and is one we should not ignore!  

Sometimes I do not give full attention to what is on television, catching pieces and parts while being distracted.  Not giving full attention to a recent televised documentary the name of ‘Osama bin Laden’ caught my ear.  Likely everyone recognizes this name as the mastermind of the 9-11 attacks.  It is my understanding by hearing parts of this documentary that bin Laden actually learned about our country from within our boundaries, actually within the military and even the CIA.  This information is extremely troubling to me and should be to every US citizen.  Allowing thousands of immigrants to cross our borders only causes more concern about people like bin Laden to live inside our country’s borders in an effort to destroy us as opposed to living in harmony.  Please consider these concerns to be a number one priority as you prepare to vote in the upcoming Presidential election.  Know who you are voting for, their strength, their cause and whether you would trust your choice of candidates to guard and protect you and your family.

Moving on to more pleasantries –  The Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC) in partnership with The Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee (EAEPCC) will host a meeting on Monday 9/16/24 at 2:30 p.m. with Cynthia Margiotta speaker on behalf of the PEARLS program.  PEARLS stands for Program to Encourage Active Rewarding Lives for Seniors.  Cynthia, director and lead coach, will be introducing their program and explaining how they can help build the resilience and quality of life of older adults in our community.  Come listen to this energetic, lovable and inspiring woman as she shares how PEARLS can help you or a loved one in their Senior years.

Do you or your loved ones have any questions about your electronic devices such as internet safety or how to access health information online?  Would you like to learn more about your electronic devices and how they may help you even more?  The Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC) in partnership with The Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee (EAEPCC) will host members of the Independence Center who will provide a ‘Tech Workshop’ beginning the first Monday in October (10/7/24) and each month following from 2-3 p.m. at the EODCC following exercise from 1-2 p.m.  This service is free to our rural El Paso County citizens.  Please feel free to join us with your devices and questions to learn how to better use a variety of electronic devices.

Who can you trust to tell you the truth?  Think about what you are being told, who is telling you something they want you to believe and question them.  Ask questions that you know the answers to and if you do not have answers to the questions you want to ask, do your own research into what you are being told.  We can no longer count on MainStream Media to tell us the truth.  I will be researching this fact to provide more information next week.  In the meantime, have a wonderful and blessed week ahead!


Thank you,     

Marna G. Booker,

Treasurer/Administrator of

The Ellicott Open Door Community Church

Founder of 

The Ellicott Bee Hive, LTD

Founder and Coordinator for the

Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee

Ellicott Buzzings 8-12-2024

Debra English, parishioner of the Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC), gave a slide show presentation Sunday about her recent missionary trip to Uganda.  She and her team, including interpreters, went to an area to minister to natives where some of the cab drivers refused to go as it was too dangerous.  Several people accepted Jesus and were baptised into the Christian faith by these devoted missionaries.  She told of one young man who was one of the leaders in a violent gang that wanted to change his life.  He accepted JESUS as his SAVIOR and was baptised to accept his new life ahead.  He would not allow his picture to be taken for fear of being killed by other gang members.  It was very interesting to see the pictures and hear the stories of violent behaviors within families that were addressed by these team members to bring resolution and peace within the family.  She was able to experience and gave testimony of GOD’s healing power for those with illnesses and physical disabilities.  These things can happen for you too if you believe in JESUS as your SAVIOR!

   You may be missing out on an opportunity to join an exercise class that is offered for free.  The EODCC is the host on behalf of the Independence Center for sitting or standing exercise classes.  Every Monday at 1 p.m. we gather to exercise our bodys, minds and laugh muscles for an hour long session.  The exercises are not so strenuous that they prevent us from making a joke or catching up on what everyone is doing each week.  Come join us to make new friends as you do good things for yourself!

   Following exercise class on Monday, August 19th, the Ellicott Open Door Community Church will co-host with the Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee (EAEPCC) a meeting which will be presented by the El Paso County Health Department.  We will have light refreshments available for your pleasure as you listen to Veronica Mendez and Claudia Lara as they present information on Tobacco Education and Prevention services for those of us in El Paso County.  This includes for pregnant mothers, work in schools and anyone interested in quitting.  Free resources will be available.  We hope you will join us!

   Likely you all are already aware of the upcoming MVEA event on Saturday 8/24/24 but it is worth mentioning to those who may want additional reminders. Mountain View Electric Assn. will be hosting a ‘Rise & Shine” breakfast at their office location at 11140 E. Woodmen Rd. in Falcon.  Gates open at 9 a.m. and will last until 11 a.m. RSVP is encouraged.  They will have high voltage demonstrations, bucket truck rides, information booths and EV rides & drives.  They are focusing on their Wildfire Mitigation Plan to help all of us recognize the dangers we face and how to reduce the risk for our own personal surroundings.  Being proactive prior to an emergency situation is much better than having to be reactive during wildfire emergencies.  Find out more and rsvp at www.mvea.coop/riseand shine.

   Ellicott School students and faculty are back on schedule.  Parents please remember to help your children’s teachers educate them.  Communication is very important on both sides of the fence.  Do not try to communicate with your children in passing, take the time to turn off the phones and the television and have face to face conversations.  Look in your child’s eyes when you ask them if they have homework.  If they say no, ask them why and further integrate them by saying “smile if you are lying to me”.  Ask them “how was your day in school?”   Tell them how your day at work was.  It is okay to share some of the unpleasant things about our adult lives as it educates children to know we all have difficulties in life, with people, being tired, being hungry, not enjoying certain aspects of life in general.  The good thing is……….we will get over those difficulties and will have learned how to deal with them.  GOD did not promise us an easy life but actually challenges us by giving us times we think we may not survive.  

   Have a Blessed week ahead and thank GOD for any rain that has fallen and ask that he bless us with more:>)


Thank you,     

Marna G. Booker,

Treasurer/Administrator of

The Ellicott Open Door Community Church

Founder of 

The Ellicott Bee Hive, LTD

Founder and Coordinator for the

Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee

Ellicott Buzzings 8-5-2024

  UC Health provides valuable health information by emails to their subscribers.  It is only valuable if we read and heed the information provided.  The most recent UCHealth Today included a post about our Colorado public libraries that was interesting to me.  Not only can you check out books and videos but you can also check out a pass to dozens of local museums, galleries and attractions around the state.  This is an amazing inexpensive opportunity for all. This pass program is not only affordable but is beneficial to your health by getting you out of the house to see things you may have never seen before.  You can access the library’s online catalog and search for “checkout state parks”.  They do not allow you to place a hold on a pass.  The catalog will show if a pass is available or when it will be returned.  If available you can ask to check out a pass but you must be in good standing with the library.  Visit your local library to see what you may want to check out!

   This same email included information about the importance of getting outdoors.  There is now a condition that has been diagnosed as ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’ which occurs when people spend too much time indoors.  Studies show that gardening, hiking or just walking outdoors is beneficial to your overall health.  Taking the initiative to do so can also help prevent depression.

   Depression is not a normal part of life but it appears to be more common now than ever before.  It makes me wonder if it is because they never realized what depression was or if it is the first thing to try to medicate?  Many older people are subject to depression and need to realize they can make the difference by getting out of the house and interacting with others.  Loneliness sets in when living alone.  Family members need to determine if their loved one has isolated themselves from family and friends.  Maybe they retired without planning ahead for things to keep them busy.  Daily activities or weekly outings with friends that are also retired can bring joy into their lives.  Despite often having risk factors for depression – one of which is having a chronic disease – older adults have some of the lowest levels of mental illness relative to all other adults.  This is good news for us Senior Citizens, isn’t it?  If you do not have any friends you should find out why and maybe make a change in the way you interact with people.  No one wants to spend time with a grouch!  Maybe there is a grouch pill you can take?  Maybe you can just try smiling at a stranger or strike up a conversation with someone by talking about the weather.  You never know but you may actually make a new friend and a positive difference in that person’s day as well as yours.  You have the power to make a difference in your life!

   Dragonflies were all around our home recently which is a good site knowing they eat blood sucking mosquitoes and pesky gnats.  I decided to search for information about these interesting double winged blessings.  I stopped reading Britannica.com as it was too educational and went to fun facts instead posted by Smithstonianmag.com.  They begin in a larval stage underwater eating a variety of things that also live in the water.  The adults also eat a variety of things in the air and can consume hundreds of mosquitoes in a day.  They have an open invitation to my house any day!  

   In closing today I want to share a cute saying on a greeting card that says “May your heart be lifted by dragonfly wings”.  Have a blessed week ahead and get out and get social!


Thank you,     

Marna G. Booker,

Treasurer/Administrator of

The Ellicott Open Door Community Church

Founder of 

The Ellicott Bee Hive, LTD

Founder and Coordinator for the

Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee

Ellicott Buzzings 7-29-2024

  Today’s inspirational quote was written by Margaret Mead and is the moto for the Eastern Alliance of El Paso County (EAEPCC).  “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.”  Please remember this statement as you think about the things you wish you could change and.  When you add an inspirational calendar quote “Be stubborn about your goals, and flexible about your methods” and let GOD take the wheel – you will succeed!

   Great things are happening at the Ellicott Open Door Community Church (EODCC).  We were extremely happy to hear answers to prayers this past Sunday.  One being from a person diagnosed with terminal cancer who reported tests showing no current signs of cancer at this time.  Another praise was a little girl with eyesight problems that is now able to see with a new treatment that is available.  We love welcoming visitors and are hopeful for their return.  Scott Burke’s sermon was from Peter 2:1-3 with the primary focus on false prophets.  There are many creeping around under the direction of Satan himself.  Make certain you have armed yourself with GOD’s word (your sword) to ward off these sneaky snakes in whatever form they present themselves.

   GOD has blessed our church with the award of a grant with funding to be used for an addition to our existing building.  Alicia Cole may be hesitant to accept the fact that GOD sent her to us but I can tell you it is true.  She has many qualities she can be credited with, one being a social worker.   She has a heart for our community and the people who live here.  She worked tirelessly preparing the grant application for our church with a focus on having a meeting place for our community.  I know she did not expect the grant to be awarded this year but it was.  Thank you to Alicia Cole!!!  My explanation – GOD at work!!

   Another blessing is that our church has agreed to host TESSA meetings.  At this time dates and times will be on an as needed basis and will not be disclosed in order to protect those who seek help with abusive relationships. If you know of someone who may be in a toxic relationship, offer your help by giving them contact information to learn more about TESSA online at tessacs.org or they can call them at their main office – 719-633-1462 or in an emergency situation they need to call 719-633-3819.  Brochures are available at the EODCC and a poster at El Bronco.

   As you can tell my main focus is church oriented so you will have to rely on other social media platforms to get information for local happenings.  I do know school starts the first part of August so check with your schools to make certain your children are ready to rock and roll for their education.  If anyone would like information for their community event to be posted in this article please feel free to leave a message for me at 719-683-2336.  I do not live my life connected to a phone but will be happy to return your call.

   Ellicott Open Door Community Church Schedule:

Sundays – 9:30-9:45 a.m. coffee and social time

                 9:45-10:30 a.m. Sunday School (currently adults only)

                 10:30-10:45 a.m. more social time

                 10:45-12:00 Church Service

Mondays – 12:00-1:00 – Social time with or without sack lunch

                  1:00-2:00 p.m. – Exercises (sitting and standing options)

                  2:30-3:30 p.m. – The 3rd Monday of each month. These meetings                                                   are conducted by guest speakers and provide          

                                             valuable information.  Everyone is invited to attend  

Tuesdays – 7:00-8:00 p.m. – Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings

Wednesdays – 10:00-12:00 – Art and Soul Crafting Group

  As always my wish for you all is that you have a Blessed Week Ahead!


Thank you,     

Marna G. Booker,

Treasurer/Administrator of

The Ellicott Open Door Community Church

Founder of 

The Ellicott Bee Hive, LTD

Founder and Coordinator for the

Eastern Alliance of El Paso County Committee